Welcome to SmartCityTechnology.in.

India plans to develop 100 new smart cities and will develop modern satellite towns around existing cities under the “Smart City Programme”

We provide the backbone technology for the Smart Cities coming up in India.

Indian Cities are seeking partners and suppliers to collaborate on ambitious programs for sustainability, innovation in public services, and economic development that depends on significant technology investments.

We are prepared to Provide Home Grown Localized Solutions within Indian Context. We Custom Build Solutions to deliver Citizen services for E-Governance, Master City Control Panel Software Like dashboard and Integrated services.

Smart City Technology
We also Provide Smart Sensor based Data Cloud ready Solutions with Customized algorithms, to Optimze, Monitor, Analyze and Integrate all Services related to Smart Cities.

The buzz about smart cities is catching up. Where 8 years back the people were talking only about smart phones, through a series of parallel technological developments globally the concept of smart cities is rising.

The concept of smart city is influenced by the idea of developing the urban hubs that run on technology to provide better electricity and water supply, improve sanitation & recycling and manage traffic & transportation systems.

Every city can become smarter. Smart cities start with smart systems, working for the benefit of both residents and the environment. Electric grids, gas distribution systems, water distribution systems, public and private transportation systems, commercial buildings, hospitals, homes — these form the backbone of a city’s efficiency, livability, and sustainability. It is the improvement and integration of these critical city systems — done in a planned step-by-step manner — that become the cornerstones to making a smart city a reality.

We Provide the backbone technology for smart cities of the future.

Smart Apps and Software

Smart Apps and Software

We Custom build Cloud enabled Smart Apps for the Web, & Mobile, We Build Systems for smart governance and also build Citizen interfaces.


We Provide the technology needed to enable smart cities. we also work as integrators for other smart city vendors.


We Provide Consulting services to evaluate, select, estimate and execute smart city projects.